Policy Holder: Themba Travel Ltd
Company Registration number: 12320228
Policy Number: EV2111UKFI0129

Themba Travel Ltd is a company committed to customer satisfaction and consumer financial protection. We are
therefore pleased to announce that, at no extra cost to you, and in accordance with the current Package Travel
Regulations all passengers booking with Themba Travel Ltd are fully insured for the initial deposit, and
subsequently the balance of monies paid as detailed in your booking confirmation form. The policy will also include
repatriation if required, arising from the cancellation or curtailment of your travel arrangements due to the insolvency
of Themba Travel Ltd

This Policy is issued by Evolution Insurance Company Limited which is registered in Gibraltar No. 88737 with a
registered office at 5/5 Crutchett’s Ramp, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA.
Evolution Insurance Company Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Commission in Gibraltar
and authorised and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. Details about the
extent of our authorisation and regulation by the FCA are available from us on request.

In the unlikely event of Insolvency of Themba Travel Ltd please follow the procedures below:

Claims should be submitted in writing, supported by documented evidence quantifying the value of the claim,
to: Evolution Insurance Solutions Limited, 53A High Street, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1AA or via email to
[email protected]

Policy exclusions: This policy will not cover any monies paid back to you by your Travel Insurance or any
losses which are recoverable under another insurance or bond (with the exception of Credit and Debit card).
This policy will also not cover any loss sustained by Passenger(s) booked on a flight-inclusive package sold
and commencing within the United Kingdom.

**Policy Period covers bookings made within the dates specified regardless of date of travel**





The Insurer is the controller of the personal data provided in relation to this Policy. The Insurer is registered with the
Gibraltar Regulatory Authority (GRA) as a data controller and is listed on the Register of Data Controllers under
registration number DP003699. The Insurer’s full Privacy Notice is available at www.evo-insurance.com/privacy


FII Booking Confirmation Wording EVO V1

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